Saturday, September 27, 2008

Why does my skin peel after acne wash

« ...Ginger helps to cleanse the kidneys and bowels, removes excess toxins from the body, and stimulates circulation....
...Acne can be very disturbing and the direct results of it can be due to imbalance in hormones. It occurs both in male and female irrespective of age. The general cause for Acne occurrence is due to hormone over production which creates excess sebum oil which clogs the hair follicles that cover the human body. This clogging gives out direct eruptions which eventually break out causing Acne....»
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«...A blackhead is when the pores that are close to the surface clog up with bacteria, dirt, and dead skin cells. If the pore is open, and the dirt and oil is exposed to the air, it reacts to the oxygen turning the inflammation into a dark-colored blackhead. It is the dirt, bacteria and skin cells that keep the oil from flowing to the surface of the skin causing this condition....»
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tags: acne weight gain dry hair swollen face, purpose moisturizing lotion for oil acne prone skin, best fast acting acne medication

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